2021 Ramadan Month Calendar – Printable


Ramadan Month Calendar | Islamic Wall Calendar | Muslim Modern Home Print | Printable

Ramadan, the blessed month in which the Quran got revealed. The month whose days and nights are filled with rewards for those who worship The Almighty. The holy month which hosts the night of decree – ‘Lailat-ul-Qadr”.

But, as humans, we often have to keep track of the days and make sure to make the best out of them. Let’s keep track of this month and make time for reflection and worship.

This downloadable Ramadan calendar will help you schedule your days/ weeks beforehand. Essential if you plan to up your worship game to the top-notch as it identifies odd and even nights.

Gift it to your friends or family who will be fasting for the first time and make their Ramadan more memorable. The calendar also reflects the first day of Taraweeh and the dua for breaking the fast.

Downloadable Product – A4 – Landscape

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Odd Nights

Odd nights will start after Maghreb.

The first odd night will be observed May 20th after Maghreb – the night of May 21st.

Product Specification

1 Zipfile (PDF and jpg)
A4 - 11.25 x 8.75
File Size
3.9 MB


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To extract the pdf file, unzip the .zip file.

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